Learn How To Use Video Surveys For Market Research

Surveys are the ways you can determine what are things preferred by the people. Ranging from population surveys to politics, from knowing how many people get positive results from medicine to how many people like or dislike something. These days the surveys have now become digital.

These days’ people can answer the question by tapping or writing an answer with interactive media, as in Video SurveysThat is what Qwary does in their surveys. It elevates the customer’s experience with video conversation surveys through their website.

Day by day popularity of video surveys is increasing due to three reasons:

  • The customer gets to convey their message to everyone
  • It helps in research and offers somewhat accurate outcomes
  • It can help the companies behind these researches to get to know about the demographic

Easier to record the data

The survey being a digital and fast mode of communication makes it easier for the people behind the research to record the responses being sent or received by them, as everyone is sufficiently able to do it because of their Smartphone.

It forces the other companies to follow the ways of their competitor to be in the race. In other kinds of surveys, the responses could be changed, whereas video surveys help in getting original responses.

Records good quality responses in a reasonable amount

These video surveys keep the client intrigued and help them in understanding the product or stuff they are interested in. These techniques are also being used in actual business meetings of multinational companies to help the associates to understand the market and connect with the client. Being creative will help the video survey in being successful than by being only an informative survey.

It is both economical and ecofriendly

In the old days, people use to print many copies, and if the survey for a person is more than two pages, you will require hundreds of copies for hundreds of people. For surveying, you will need to move from one place to another using a vehicle. After the surveys, you will be discarding the pages. All this will cause pollution.

Also, you will need to re-print all the surveys if the data is not enough or in case they get wet or lost. The digital one will always be present and can be of use at any instant.

By video surveying, you are reaching as many people as you want to at the same time without wasting money, time, or fuel. Since there is no paper and fuels involved therefore it is eco-friendly.


Every brand selling its product in the market should start doing video surveys if they weren’t as it will make the upcoming or existing product more user-friendly and also attract the attention of the non-consumers resulting in more sales and profit.

Always do these video surveys at the time of high traffic on the website or social media sites to make sure they are being watched and getting the proper response that the surveying company needs.

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